
Chatbot Challenge

KI-Collage: Alexandre Silveira

© KI-Collage: Alexandre Silveira

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Chatbots are theatrical machines: they engage in lively dialogues, take on roles, and express and evoke emotions.

In CHATBOT CHALLENGE, two performers and a creative coder take the stage with chatbots to explore and challenge the AI black box—live and unpredictably. Together, they delve into the question: How much theater is embedded in AI, and how much AI theater have humans already internalized? Starting from the fundamental situation of theater—the live performance before an audience—an intimate encounter with global AI systems, their potential, and their deceptive strategies unfolds. The performance chatbot, specially developed by Interrobang, gains access to the entire theater machinery, including video, music, stage, lighting, and sound. What feedback loops will be triggered? And what happens when the artificial theatrical intelligence spirals out of control?

CHATBOT CHALLENGE explores the big societal questions and challenges brought about by the current rise of AI. It looks into the underlying systems that create AI, questioning how the profit-driven and often biased structures can be changed. How can we reveal and address the biases in AI systems? And how can AIs themselves contribute to answering these questions?



Concept: Interrobang Play Development: Till Müller-Klug, Christiane Kühl, Nina Tecklenburg, and Team Performance: Christiane Kühl, Nina Tecklenburg, Artificial Intelligences Dramaturgy: Lea Goebel, Anna Krauß Collaboration Dramaturgy: Lara Domke Creative Coding: Manus Nijhoff, Florian Fischer Stage and Video: Theresa Reiwer Video: Alexandre Silveira Costume: Birke van Maartens Music: Friedrich Greiling Graphics: Jürgen Fehrmann Technical Direction & Lighting Design: Dirk Lutz Production Management: ehrliche arbeit, Sandra Klöss Head of Communication: Alexandra Lauck Social Media: Selma Böhmelmann Public Relations: Tina Ebert.

Production: Interrobang. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Schlachthaus Theater Bern. Funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und durch Mittel des Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


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